Be a Hero in Your Community!

Are you passionate about making a positive impact in your community? Do you believe in the power of connection, support, and growth? Then it's time to step up and become a hero by starting a monthly meetup in your area!Are you passionate about making a positive impact in your community? Do you believe in the power of connection, support, and growth? Then it's time to step up and become a hero by starting a monthly meetup in your area!

Welcome to Mentor Monday at the Goals Setter’s Club!At the Goals Setter’s Club, we understand the power of small, achievable routines in reaching our goals. That's why we're passionate about encouraging adults to become mentors to our youth. After all, they are the future leaders and innovators who will shape our world.Being a mentor doesn't require special skills. It simply requires a willingness to listen, offer friendship, and provide guidance and encouragement to a young person.

You'll be amazed by the impact you can have on their lives, and the fulfillment you'll gain from the experience.A mentor is a caring adult friend who dedicates time to support a young person.

While mentors may take on various roles, they all share the common goal of helping young people realize their potential, define their goals, and discover their strengths. Mentors also play a vital role in encouraging positive choices, fostering self-esteem, supporting academic achievement, and introducing new ideas.

  • Here’s a simple guide on how to use our Journals for Mentor Monday:
    Find four young people to mentor, starting with your family members such as nieces, nephews, cousins, and your own children. You can also reach out to neighborhood kids, friends, or invite children from your church (with their parents' permission, of course!).
  • Every Monday, check in with them via phone call or email to offer advice, resources, and support.
  • On the first Monday of every month, visit them and help them review their goals journal. Work on one chapter per month.

It's that simple! Get started today and make a positive difference in the lives of young people.

**Please expect 2-3 weeks for delivery of your journals.